Chris Berry solo set Saturday, Jan. 6

Sausage Grinder’s Chris Berry will play a solo set on Saturday, Jan. 6, at 8 p.m. at TRIP in Santa Monica, opening for The SWING RIOTS Quirktette. It’s $10 and 21 and over only.

It’s been a while since Chris has played a solo gig in the L.A. area, so come on by and hear some old time blues and banjo music, and then stick around for the SWING RIOTS, who play traditional jazz and swing from lots of different traditions with some Balkan and Eastern European flavor thrown in.

Special thanks to Pat McSwyney of the SWING RIOTS for organizing the gig and for being a great friend to Sausage Grinder (and an occasional guest Grinder too)!

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Here’s a video of the gig, courtesy of the Swing Riots’ Nicholas Casillas:
